Welkom op DailyDuff.nl jouw beste en Nederlandstalige website over actrice, schrijfster, modeontwerper en zangeres Hilary Duff ! Op deze website vindt je al het laatste nieuws en foto’s en alle informatie die je maar wilt weten over haar! Zo vindt je informatie over Hilary zelf, stijl, haar films, tv series, cd’s en andere projecten. Hopelijk vind je alles wat je zoekt en bezoek je de website gauw nog een keer!
januari 14, 2016   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Koppel krijgt ruzie om Hilary :)   Hilary Duff, Nieuws

Een koppel’s discussie om het feit of Hilary Duff te zien was in een reclame op TV liep zo uit de hand dat de politie moest komen. De vrouw werd zelf opgepakt voor huiselijke geweld………

A Kentucky man says that his wife, who is accused of biting him on the face during an argument over Hilary Duff, is not a violent person.

Brandi Lester got into an argument with her husband Ethan Lester last month after they saw a commercial on TV. Brandi Lester said the woman in the commercial was Duff, while her husband said no way, police told WKYT.

When Ethan Lester leaned over to give his wife a kiss on the forehead, she bit him on the chin, police said.

Pike County sheriff’s deputy Kevin Belcher told US Weekly that he responded to a call from Ethan Lester and saw a bite mark on his face as well as broken items all over the living room that Brandi Lester had thrown at him. She was arrested and charged with domestic violence.

Ethan Lester told WKYT in a follow-up earlier this week that his wife wasn’t really violent and the whole thing was a “misunderstanding.”

“Me and my wife have, of course, been on edge as most families are around the holidays and stuff,” he said.

The most important question—whether or not that actually was the Duff in that commercial—has yet to be answered.

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