Welkom op DailyDuff.nl jouw beste en Nederlandstalige website over actrice, schrijfster, modeontwerper en zangeres Hilary Duff ! Op deze website vindt je al het laatste nieuws en foto’s en alle informatie die je maar wilt weten over haar! Zo vindt je informatie over Hilary zelf, stijl, haar films, tv series, cd’s en andere projecten. Hopelijk vind je alles wat je zoekt en bezoek je de website gauw nog een keer!
juli 24, 2015   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor ‘Sparks’ remix door The Golden Pony   Muziek

juli 22, 2015   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor FuseTV interview   Talkshows/Interviews

juli 22, 2015   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Zach Sang and The Gang interview   Appereances, Talkshows/Interviews

juli 19, 2015   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Hilary bezoekt radiostation   Appereances, Talkshows/Interviews

Hilary had de afgelopen weken nog een kleine promotietour door Amerika voor de release van haar album ‘Breathe In. Breathe Out.’. Hier bezocht ze o.a. enkele radiostations voor interview in San Fransisco en San Diego.

Galerij Links:
http//: 15 Juni: FuseTV Interview
http//: 15 Juni: MTV Interview
http//: 24 Juni: Bezoekt 99.7 NOW, Fernando and Greg radiostation in San Francisco
http//: 24 Juni: Bezoekt Star 101.3 FM, Western Union VIP Lounge radiostation in San Francisco
http//: 24 Juni: Bezoekt iHeartMedia in San Francisco
http//: 24 Juni: Bezoekt Wild 94.9 radiostation in San Francisco
http//: 14 Juli: Zach Sang & The Gang interview
http//: 15 Juli: Bezoekt Star 94.1 FM in San Diego

juli 19, 2015   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor ‘My Kind’ Videoclip   Muziek

Hilary heeft een promotievideo voor ‘My Kind’ vrijgegeven, hier zijn beelden te zien van haar zang- en dansrepities

juli 19, 2015   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Hilary treed op tijdens Bite Of Las Vegas   Appereances, Optredens

Hilary zal op 12 september optreden tijdens de Bite Of Las Vegas.

Introducing the line-up for BITE OF LAS VEGAS! #BiteLV!We’ll see you September 12th at Desert Breeze Park! Check out Mix941.fm to learn more and get tickets!

juli 19, 2015   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor 102.7 FM Kiss FM interview   Talkshows/Interviews

juli 19, 2015   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Hilary Duff Talks Grindr & Giving Too Many F*cks, Geeks Out For Marriage Equality (and Miley Cyrus!)   Talkshows/Interviews

Hilary heeft een interview gehad met pridesource.com.

“I’m like the dorky kid on the bus who’s like, ‘ Hiiii.'”

Wait a minute. Is that you, Lizzie McGuire? Maybe? No.

It’s Hilary Duff, razzing on her cold-ridden, congested-sounding self as she does a nasally nerd impression. And though Duff is known to millennials (and their moms) for originating the dorky Disney icon in 2001 – which, she admits during our interview, has been “torturous” – the 27-year-old is ready to move on. Actually, she’s been ready. It’s the rest of the world that just can’t seem to let Lizzie go.

During an insightful and surprisingly candid conversation, Duff spoke about her career as a whole just hours following June 26’s landmark Supreme Court ruling, which granted full marriage rights to LGBT Americans. The child star-turned-music maker also talked about her latest album, “Breathe In. Breathe Out.” (RCA Records), eight years in the making; the long break she took to find her true self; and not knowing how to be a “totally normal girl who doesn’t give a fuck.”

juli 19, 2015   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Hilary Duff Wants to Celebrate Marriage Equality   Talkshows/Interviews

Hilary praat met de website advocate.com over het homohuwelijk nadat deze wettelijk legaal werd in de VS.

On the heels of her newest album, Breathe In, Breathe Out, pop singer Hilary Duff explains why she’s happy that marriage equality is now a reality for her gay fans all over the country.

Many people across the nation are already celebrating the good news of the Supreme Court’s historic marriage equality ruling, and included in those celebrants is singer, actress, and proud mother of one Hilary Duff.

“It seems like it’s been such a struggle for acceptance and equality, and it’s crazy but it’s a very exciting day in history,” the pop star and straight ally told The Advocate today. “I think the world is changing. Some areas quicker than others, but I do think it’s easier to be a gay kid going through school now than it was 10 years ago.”

“It’s kind of how it was when I had my baby, like it was just any other day,” Duff said of how she reacted when she first heard the news of this morning’s 5-4 ruling from SCOTUS. “But this is such big news, this big life-changing thing! I feel like this should have happened a long time ago, but it’s just exciting. There’s really no other word for it. I think tonight people will be celebrating, and they have every right to.”

Duff went on to talk about her history with LGBT fans and how excited everyone was the first time she went out to party at famous West Hollywood gay bar the Abbey at a point in her life when she was thinking about making music again.

“I get in there, and the whole place, I don’t know how everyone saw me, but they went ape-shit crazy,” she said. “I thought they were going to carry my body off, like throw me in the air. But in a good way! They were all so excited to see me. I’ve always had big supporters in the gay community, and it really makes me feel so good.”

“I’ve always had gay friends, they’ve always been loving and understanding towards me, and we always have a good time,” Duff continued. “You guys really know how to have a good time.”

juli 19, 2015   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Nieuwe fotohoots!   Fotoshoots

Er zijn enkele nieuwe fotoshoots van Hilary verschenen tijdens Hilary’s promotietour voor ‘Breathe In. Breathe Out’

Galerij Links:
http//: Billboard
http//: iHeartRadio
http//: Lucas Jackson
http//: Robert Deutsch (USA Today)