04 februari: We have a sleeping baby! Baby whisperer/ genius/ brilliant /calm and loving Kimberly (actually baby care specialist and postpartum doula) ( @sweetdreams.la ) spent this rainy weekend with us and got our sweet girl sleeping! The poor thing was running on adrenaline... literally not sleeping unless she had a warm human to sleep on and even then 30-40 minutes max! Not realistic for our lives with going back to work and another child! Babies NEED sleep and our little girl is the happiest I have ever seen her! She slayed 11 hours last night and woke up with the biggest gummy smile I have ever seen! She has the tools to fall asleep on her own and it was so amazing (and a little emotional) to watch. I’m so proud of her and us! This was the right choice for our family! I honestly didn’t remember what good sleep felt like! Pretty delicious!