
Hilary praat in een interview met Variety over de seizoensfinale van ‘Younger’. Lees alleen verder als je de aflevering al gezien heb.

SPOILER ALERT: Do not read ahead if you haven’t watched the back-to-back “Younger” Season 3 finale, which aired on Wednesday, Dec. 14.

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Hilary hoste afgelopen donderdag de talkshow The Talk. Klik op meer

Galerij Links:
http//: 01 december: The Talk
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Hilary was gisteren samen met co-ster Nico Tortorella aanwezig op de Entertainment Weekly’s Popfest in L.A. ter promotie van ‘Younger’.

Galerij Links:
http//: 30 oktober: Entertainment Weekly’s Popfest

Hilary was samen met ‘Younger’ collega’s Nico Tortorella en Debi Mazarte gast bij The Rachael Ray Show.

Galerij Links:
http//: 13 oktober: Access Hollywood
http//: Screencaptures

Galerij Links:
http//: 17 oktober: The Chew
http//: Screencaptures

Hilary was gisteren te gast bij Access Hollywood

Galerij Links:
http//: 13 oktober: Access Hollywood

Hilary Duff shows a photo taken by her phone guardian angels during her appearance on The Ellen Show, airing Monday (October 10)!

The 29-year-old Younger star told a story about accidentally leaving her phone on the hood of her car and losing it while driving on Wilshire. Three strangers were able to retrieve the phone and get it back to her, but not before snapping a selfie!

“I’d want to say thank you!,” Hilary said about the phone saviors, who she hasn’t met yet. “What would you do without your phone? I spent an hour without it and was losing my mind.”

“I appreciate their dedication to jumping in the middle of Wilshire,” Hilary added.

Galerij Links:
http//: 05 oktober: The Ellen DeGeneres Show
http//: Screencaptures

Hilary was bezocht enkele dagen geleden de SiriusXM Studios in NYC

Galerij Links:
http//: 27 September: Bezoekt de SiriusXM Studios