Een paar weken geleden verscheen onderstaande foto van Hilary op de set van een fotoshoot! Ik hoopte dat intussen al bekend zou zijn waarvoor deze fotoshoot was. Helaas nog niet dus ik post hem maar op de website.
Galerij Links:
http//: Unknown #1 – Behind The Scenes
Hilary had afgelopen dinsdag met haar zus Haylie een interview met People Magazine. Onderstaande foto is hiervan al verschenen, het interview zelf moet nog gepubliceerd worden.
Galerij Links:
http//: 15 September: People Magazine
Hilary en Haylie waren afgelopen dinsdag aanwezig bij de talkshow The Today Show tijdens Parenting Team Panel in de show. Dit ter promotie van de campagne ‘Sisterhood of Motherhood’.
Galerij Links:
http//: 15 September: Today Show – Parenting Team Panel
Hilary en Haylie waren afgelopen dinsdag aanwezig bij de talkshow The Meredith Vieira Show ter promotie van de campagne ‘Sisterhood of Motherhood’.
Galerij Links:
http//: 15 September: The Meredith Vieira Show
Hilary en Haylie waren afgelopen dinsdag aanwezig bij de talkshow Good Day NY ter promotie van de campagne ‘Sisterhood of Motherhood’. Tijdens het interview geeft Hilary toe aan het daten te zijn, eind augustus verschenen er al persberichten dat dit haar personal trainer Jason Walsh zou zijn. Samen met hem verscheen ze eind augustus een de opening van de nieuwe Rise Nation studio.
Galerij Links:
http//: 15 September: Good Day NY
Hilary is na een vakantie in Hawaii met Luca en vrienden nu weer in NYC! En niet zomaar want de opnames voor het tweede seizoen van ‘Younger’ zijn begonnen. De komende maanden kunnen we dus met regelmaat foto’s van de set voorbij zien komen :)
Galerij Links:
http//: Seizoen 2: Achter de Schermen
Hilary en Haylie hebben een interview gehad met Yahoo Celebrity over de campagne Sisterhood of Moterhood en hun relatie als zussen en nu als moeder.
Ask Hilary and Haylie Duff what it’s like being sisters, and they’ll paint a pretty idyllic picture for you.
They’ve always been incredibly supportive of one another, but the closeness that they share came in particularly handy when they became first-time moms.
“No one really understands what being a mom is like until they go through it themselves,” Hilary, who has a 3-year-old son, explains to Yahoo Celebrity. “Even watching from the outside, Haylie was always very supportive… So it’s been a really cool time for us to be really good to one another.”
If only the online world, which often shames new parents into feeling inadequate for the choices they make in their child’s infancy, was as encouraging.
That’s why the Duff sisters have teamed up to take on the world of mommy judgment. While speaking to Yahoo about their Sister of Motherhood campaign, the duo also took time out to reflect on their relationship, as well as how they handle online bullies.
What are some of your fondest memories of growing up together?
Hilary: I think my earliest memory was when my parents were having a dinner party, and Haylie teaching me how to ride a tricycle. Was it bike or trike? I’m not sure, but that was my very first memory.Haylie: I remember that! We went out to the cul de sac, and then we went back in and announced to the dinner party that you knew how to ride a bike… My fondest memories are of when we lived in San Antonio. We were only there a few years, but it just holds a special place in my heart. It really was a simpler time of life. We were just kids and lived far away from other people, so we played with each other a lot. It established our relationship and made it what it is.
Hilary: We didn’t have anyone else to play with, so Haylie and I were super tight from the beginning. There were older kids that lived around us, but not too close, so [Haylie] always included me with her friends. By the time we moved to L.A. and made friends, we were always in the same circle. It made us tight.
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Hilary’s oudere zus Haylie heeft op haar instagramaccount de eerste foto van haar dochter Ryan gedeeld :)
Hilary was afgelopen vrijdag aanwezig op de ‘Rise Nation Fitness Studio’s Los Angeles Grand Opening samen met o.a. personal/celebrity trainer Jason Walsh en actrice Minka Kelly
Rise Nation is the vision of training and movement expert, Jason Walsh. For years, Jason has funneled his expertise into 1:1 personal training to change the bodies, minds and lives of his clients utilizing a “Movement” and progression- based philosophy. At his personal training studio, Rise Movement, Jason and his team train the body to move the way it’s physiologically intended. By utilizing movement progression that is innate to the human body – crawling > walking > running > climbing – Rise Nation delivers a group training experience that culminates with and is primarily focused on CLIMBING.
Galerij Links:
http//: 21 Augustus: Rise Nation Fitness Studio’s Los Angeles Grand Opening