Hilary heeft een interview gehad met Vogue Beauty waarin ze laat weten welke 9 dingen ze nodig heeft om normaal te blijven tijdens de thuis quarantaine.

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Every week, Vogue will be spotlighting tastemakers across industries to hear how they’ve been approaching self-care during the coronavirus pandemic. We asked actress Hilary Duff about how she has been staying sane while at home in Los Angeles, the same space where she wed husband Matthew Koma and gave birth to her daughter, Banks. Should you already be one of Duff’s 15 million followers, then you know she’s keeping busy by homeschooling her son, Luca, and even testing out new radical hair colors. Here, she shares her recent must-haves, from a cult online workout bootcamp to what’s in her current Netflix queue.
1. I’m wearing comfy clothes.
I have been living in this blush-color John Elliott sweatsuit. I’ve noticed I feel better if I get dressed for the day and put a little makeup on and maybe a spritz of perfume. This is a happy medium because I’m cozy, but I don’t feel sloppy (like nighttime cozies).2. I’m staying active.
Last year I got super into a bodybuilding class, Novo Body Fitness. I have never had such lean muscles and I really enjoy lifting weights now. Miguel, the owner, now does Zoom classes, and I try to do it four times a week.
3. I’m finding new recipes.
Late nights browsing Food52.com recipes that I usually never have the time to make and I know will create a sink full of dishes…. However, I am dying to attempt these hot honey squash pesto tarts (drool)!Justin’s Cashew Butter Covered Cashews…clearly these are for the cashew lover. We go through three bags of these delicious treats a week. Pro tip: Keep them in the fridge.
4. I’m drinking wine.
Helen’s wines subscription has changed the game for me. She has the cutest wine shop attached to an amazing restaurant in L.A. called Jon & Vinny’s (they actually catered our wedding). Her selections are such an adventure and because shopping for wine looks a lot different right now, I signed up for a monthly delivery box. And let’s be honest…this activity tops all of my lists right now!5. I’m self-soothing.
Nature of Things Restorative Floral Bath soak is a milky dream. I’m completely in love with this bottle sitting next to my bathtub: It weighs like two pounds and is in this gorgeous vessel…and what’s inside is even better! Taking a bath has always been a ritual for me. I lock my door, don’t answer to “Mom,” and chill.Voyage et Cie’s Kyoto bamboo candle is clean and bright. Lighting candles helps set the mood right in the house. I have always been a homebody, but being “stuck” (ahem, “safe”) at home has made me appreciate it and all the memories it holds even more than ever. I brought Luca home to this house eight years ago, I had Banks here; Matt and I got married here. Many birthdays, baby showers, and holidays hold a special place.
6. I’m watching…
My husband and I start counting down the hours (starting at noon) until we can crawl into bed and start bingeing on TV! The kids dominate the TV during the day (🙄) so we only get to watch our shows at night. We just finished Ozark (best show on TV) and are into Unorthodox and I am in.7. I’m experimenting with my hair.
This is temporary color and really easy to do yourself if you have any blond in your hair. I always take out my anxiety on my hair—chopping bangs, chopping it all off, adding extensions or dyeing it. So, two weeks into the quarantine…she needed a thrill!8. I’m reading.
Some of my mom friends and I formed a book club, and we are starting with My Dark Vanessa. After the first few chapters, we are going to have a cocktail hour on Zoom to discuss.9. I’m playing guitar.
Matthew gave me “Oreo” for my 30th birthday because I had a dream of learning to play guitar. She’s a 000-17E Martin acoustic guitar and she is a beauty. Sitting on her stand in the living room collecting dust…just kidding, Matt played her a little. But now I have had time and desperately needed an outlet for myself and my brain to do something new. I have been taking Zoom lessons twice a week and playing for about 20 minutes every day. I finally have calluses built up on my fingertips (not a small feat). I really look forward to my lessons and torturing my family by practicing “Happy Birthday”—or more recently, this week it has been “Seven Nation Army”—over and over and over.