Welkom op DailyDuff.nl jouw beste en Nederlandstalige website over actrice, schrijfster, modeontwerper en zangeres Hilary Duff ! Op deze website vindt je al het laatste nieuws en foto’s en alle informatie die je maar wilt weten over haar! Zo vindt je informatie over Hilary zelf, stijl, haar films, tv series, cd’s en andere projecten. Hopelijk vind je alles wat je zoekt en bezoek je de website gauw nog een keer!
juli 15, 2022   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor ‘How I Met Your Father’ genomineerd voor 2 Emmy’s   How I Met Your Father, TV Series

Hilary’s serie ‘How I Met Your Father’ is genomineerd voor twee Emmy Awards, in de onderstaande categorieën. De uitreiking vind plaatst op 12 september, het is nog niet bekend of Hilary hier met de cast bij aanwezig zal zijn.


juli 2, 2022   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Nieuwe outtake Hilary Duff ♥ Carter’s fotoshoot   Fotoshoots, Kledinglijn

Ik heb een nieuwe outtake gevonden van Hilary fotoshoot voor het Amerikaanse merk Carter’s. In het najaar verschijnt Hilary’s eigen ontworpen collectie genaamd Hilary Duff ♥ Carter’s gaan heettten

Galerij Links:
http//: Carter’s

juli 2, 2022   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Epic’s Go Anywhere Summer Kickoff celebration   Appereances

Hilary was afgelopen donderdag aanwezig op Epic’s Go Anywhere Summer Kickoff celebration ter ere van kinderziekenhuis St. Jude’s in winkelcentrum The Grove in L.A.

Galerij Links:
http//: 30 juni: Epic’s Go Anywhere Summer Kickoff celebration supporting St. Jude

mei 21, 2022   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Ontmoet Carter’s eerste Chief Mom Officer   Fotoshoots, Kledinglijn, Projecten

mei 21, 2022   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Hilary te gast bij The Today Show   Appereances, Talkshows/Interviews

Hilary was van de week aanwezig bij The Today Show in NYC.

Galerij Links:
http//: 18 mei: The Today Show

mei 21, 2022   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor 2022 ABC Disney Upfront   Appereances

Hilary was van de week samen met ‘How I Met Your Father’ collega Francia Raisa aanwezig op de 2022 ABC Disney Upfront in NYC.

Galerij Links:
http//: 17 mei: 2022 ABC Disney Upfront

mei 21, 2022   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Hilary Duff ♥ Carter’s   Fotoshoots, Kledinglijn, Projecten

Hilary is benoemd tot de eerste chief mom officer van het Amerikaanse merk Carter’s. Voor het kledingmerk voor kinderen zal ze een gelimiteerde collectie kleding ontwerpen voor de herfst 2022 en lente 2023. De collectie zal Hilary Duff ♥ Carter’s gaan heettten

Galerij Links:
http//: Carter’s

Hilary Duff has been named the first chief mom officer of Carter’s Inc., the Atlanta-based childrenswear firm, in an effort to put her parenting expertise to work and reach Millennial parents. She will also be creative director and parent consultant for the brand, designing two limited-edition capsule collections for fall 2022 and spring 2023.

Carter’s, which dates back to 1865, is the largest branded marketer of baby and children’s clothing in the U.S.

“It is such a beloved brand. I have such nostalgia wrapped around the Carter’s brand from my own childhood, and then becoming a mom myself. I feel that my biggest mission in this life is to be a good mom and to be there for my kids and when I think of Carter’s mission, it’s so aligned with that,” Duff, a mother of three, said in an interview.

Duff’s label, which will be distributed exclusively to Carter’s direct-to-consumer channels, will be called Hilary Duff [heart] Carter’s. Carter’s has a website and 1,000 stores across the U.S., and Duff’s collection will be in about half of them.

Sizes will range from newborn to 24 months.

Duff will design an elevated fall collection with a boho chic element that will include knits, sweaters and jumpsuits, in both neutrals and some printed patterns for boys and girls. The products will range from baby to toddler, and a few pieces for moms as well. The fall collection is inspired by cozy autumn weekends with family and friends.

Prices range from $12-$24. Baby/toddler/kids hats are $16; adult hats and scarves are $18 to $20; sweaters, shackets and jumpsuits are $22 to $24, and fashion bodysuits, leggings and pants are $12 to $16.

mei 12, 2022   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Gehele eerste seizoen ‘How I Met Your Father’ op Disney+   How I Met Your Father, TV Series

Het gehele eerste seizoen van Hilary’s nieuwste serie ‘How I Met Your Father’ staat sinds gisteren op Disney+! De serie is al vernieuwd voor een tweede seizoen.

mei 10, 2022   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Hilary gaat met de billen blood op nieuwe cover   Fotoshoots, Talkshows/Interviews, Tijdschriften

Hilary staat met een nieuwe fotoshoot en interview op de cover van Woman’s Health, en ze gaat letterlijk met de billen bloot!

Galerij Links:
http//: Mei/juni 2022: Woman’s Health (VS)
http//: Daniella Midenge (Woman’s Health)

Hilary Duff Is Seeing The Light
The actress spent years trying to live up to Hollywood’s standards. Now she’s focused on what makes her feel happy and whole and content—on the inside.

“I have an idea…” says Hilary Duff’s 3-year-old daughter, Banks, her finger tapping her mouth. “Can I have a treat?” The child tilts her blonde head to one side as her mother looks upon her with amusement. “Did you eat any vegetables for lunch?” Hilary asks. Banks says yes, though her mother suspects otherwise. But who can deny a little indulgence in the face of such ingenuity?

Banks scampers out of view on Zoom, and Hilary, left alone in her bright and airy bedroom, shakes her head affectionately. At 34 years old, she’s the mother of three children. Besides Banks, she has son Luca, 10, from her previous marriage to retired hockey player Mike Comrie, and daughter Mae, 1. When Mae was born, the baby took over her office, so now Hilary’s bedroom is her last sanctuary. She worries her days in this house are numbered—her family, which also includes musician husband Matthew Koma, three dogs (including a 130-pound Saint Bernard), and seven chickens, has outgrown it. “We’re busting at the seams here,” she says. “You should see my garage. It’s stroller and car-seat city, scooters everywhere.”

But this is the house where she recovered from her 2016 divorce, where she learned to parent Luca as a single mom, where she eventually wed Koma on the front lawn, and where their girls were born. It’s hard to leave a place that’s held such joy. And food is a big source of that happiness. “We eat butter in this house, and olive oil, and sodium, and sugar,” says Hilary, taking a bite of a turkey, arugula, and pickle sandwich. A deviled egg, which she made this morning because her chickens are laying, waits on her plate as Mom’s version of a treat.

I’ve gotten to a place of being peaceful with the changes my body has gone through.

Hilary’s appeal as an actress has always been her easy familiarity. As a child star on Lizzie McGuire, she was the quintessential everygirl, as warm as she was vulnerable. After years of being identified with the character, and multiple passes on offers to reboot her, she agreed to revisit Lizzie in a series for Disney+. The project tanked when Hilary and the network differed on their vision for adult Lizzie. “She had to be 30 years old doing 30-year-old things,” Hilary says she insisted, pushing for a more mature Lizzie. “She didn’t need to be doing bong rips and having one-night stands all the time, but it had to be authentic. I think they got spooked.”

mei 8, 2022   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Hilary op de cover van Grazia Italië!   Fotoshoots, Tijdschriften

Hilary staat met een nieuwe fotoshoot en interview in de Italiaanse editie van het tijdschrift Grazia.

Galerij Links:
http//: 05 mei 2022: Grazia (Italië)
http//: Dove Shore (Grazia Italia)